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Tarmac SL7 Comp - Rival eTap AXS


安装garmin neo t2 smart

Upload and Sync Your Activities (strava.com)   https://www.strava.com/upload/device



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Reading in 2023

    prop 道具
 ►2023-04-16 Zwift使用指南
Zwift  your complete guide 


►2023-03-16 Driving in the United State 

   百度网盘 pan.baidu.com/s/1U4fEpd9jDl09iD4sZGdEpQ 提取码: m99n
作者:豆豆著;出版社: 作家出版社 ;ISBN:9787506331746;出版时间:2018-10-01
The sun also rises


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What does EMBY Connect do?

Emby Connect is a free optional service that allows a person to use one set of username/password credentials when accessing Emby's Forums and Community as well as any Emby Server's setup for you to login using Emby Connect.

The user no longer needs to remember the URL or IP/port of each Emby Server, not do they have to remember different login names and passwords as set on the different Emby Servers.

Example: you have 2 brothers and 3 cousins running Emby Servers. You have been given access to each server by your family members running the servers. You might have different usernames on each system, IE "bob", "sbob", "bobs", "cousin-bob", "lil-bro", etc. With Emby Connect you no longer need to remember the login credentials or addresses of each server as you can login via Emby Connect with a central username/password. 


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Apple Watch Ultra
2022-11-30 使用体验
电池可以3天左右。STRAVA 数据直接迁移。但是室内运动(跑步、游泳)时只能记录时间与热量消耗,不能记录距离等。
手表独立使用蜂窝数据,在手机上完成申请。运动时收听 Apple Music。
新增加的Action 按钮方便定义快捷方式。


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2023-03-16 打算购买garmin NEO 2T Smart 智能骑行台
NEO 2T Smart 智能骑行台
产品料号 010-02413-76
¥ 12,990


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英语笔记 English Notes

2023年6、7、8月英语笔记 https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTEpBWVRVWXlnZ3JH

2023年4、5月英语笔记 https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTGFMdFluRm9jRWtJ

2023年3月英语阅读笔记 https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTEVhT0Z0VHFYcVlV


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2022-02-26 Sat.
The Godfather trilogy Behind the Scenes

Francis Ford Coppola interview (1994)


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脂肪分3大类:皮下脂肪、体内脂肪和血管脂肪。皮下脂肪课通过减少碳水化合物(cutting out processed carbs and refined sugars, so nothing white)、适当运动、增加蛋白质、16+8等方法实现。

What is visceral body fat?
Visceral body fat, also known as 'hidden' fat, is fat stored deep inside the belly, wrapped around the organs, including the liver and intestines. It makes up about one tenth of all the fat stored in the body.


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