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What does EMBY Connect do?

Emby Connect is a free optional service that allows a person to use one set of username/password credentials when accessing Emby's Forums and Community as well as any Emby Server's setup for you to login using Emby Connect.

The user no longer needs to remember the URL or IP/port of each Emby Server, not do they have to remember different login names and passwords as set on the different Emby Servers.

Example: you have 2 brothers and 3 cousins running Emby Servers. You have been given access to each server by your family members running the servers. You might have different usernames on each system, IE "bob", "sbob", "bobs", "cousin-bob", "lil-bro", etc. With Emby Connect you no longer need to remember the login credentials or addresses of each server as you can login via Emby Connect with a central username/password. 


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